Tuesday 26 February 2013

The gangs of Bangalore

They stand facing each other on both sides of the battlefield – ready for battle. Their eyes are focused; their faces are intent with concentration, their bodies straight.
And then they unleash their secret weapon, a verbal volley that cuts like a whip and lands on the other side.

“I am not your friend” one voice says.
“I am not your friend” other voices pipe up following the leader of the Gang 1. 
Gang 2 on the other side then gets ready for their turn to fire.
“So what, we don’t want to talk with you. You are not in our team. Katti.”
“But they are our friends” one voice in Gang 1 dares to speak up.
The leader of gang 1, queen bee in the making, glares at her.
“Last warning, if you want to be our friend, you can’t be with them. Let’s go.”

Leaders and followers choose their roles. The cooler gang wins and the other gang retreats. Amid hurt faces and angry words, new equations are forged and new gangs are formed, which might last at least for the next 1 week.

Meet the new warriors – six year old girls in the playground.

They form groups, they gang up against other groups, they change camps and friends as easily as they would switch TV channels, and when they are hurt, they use words like weapons to cut each other down to size. Best friends are no longer for life, like all things in life; friendship is transient and very much, in the moment.

Cruel, you would say?

Maybe, but very much true. As a mother to a 6 year old daughter with an ever changing cast of friends, I am getting trained in this new art of war.

Of course, after a week or two all will be forgotten if not forgiven. Kids are not vengeful by nature and would soon start playing again with other friends and get ready for the next change in their camps.
So do you know who your kid’s friends are? Who does she really like and who is she friends with to be considered ‘’cool”?

Better check with your daughter before you draw up the guest list for her next birthday party. All you know, the list might be totally different from last year’s. 

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